Study visit to the University of Teramo, Italy
Dates: 18-22 October 2021
The University of Teramo has 5 Faculties, 23 Degree Programmes, more than 20 Masters, 6 Specialisation Schools and is involved in 10 research areas.
University facilities:
Campus Coste St. Agostino: 50,000 m2 wide. It hosts the Rector's Office, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Political Science, the Faculty of Communication Science, the Faculty of Bioscience and Agro-Food and Environmental Technology, the first two years of the degree programmes of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine as well as the degree programmes in Biotechnology. This campus hosts also a canteen, a TV studio, a University radio and a movie hall where live shows are held as well.
University Veterinary Teaching Hospital: 100,000 m2 wide. It hosts the second three years of the degree programme of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
Faculty of Bioscience and Agro-Food and Environmentai Technology.
Consumers’ increasing demand for food safety and quality standards and the constant expansion of the international market have made necessary a qualitative leap in the process of preservation , transformation, distribution and food control. The realization of this goal requires more and more the intervention of highly specialized professionals able to intervene throughout the whole food chain. These factors, and the fact that the food industry, in both the food sector and in the traditional processing of fish resources, is the economy leader in the Province of Teramo and on the Abruzzo coast, led to the activation of the Faculty of Bioscience and Agro-Food
The Faculty of Bioscience can count on a substantial number of conventions for conducting curricular training, signed with companies and organizations throughout the country. Conventions affecting farms and wineries, food companies, producer groups, and control-seeking organizations, local health authorities, large retail, parks and agencies for the protection of the environment and of the territory, etc. The latest survey AlmaLaurea in 2014, on job placement of Italian graduates, showed that 55% of those who graduated from the Faculty of Bioscience and Food and Environmental Technology at the University of Teramo, have a stable job one year after graduation.

19.10.2021 (Tuesday)
Lecture: Emulsion. Thermodynamics vs kinetics. Examples of emulsified food products. Emulsion structure: the interface. Emulsion ingredients. Emulsifier Appications in Foods (Prof. Carla Di Mattia)
Lecture: Innovation in reproductive biotechnology as strategy for increasing production and saving biodiversity (Prof. Nicola Bernabo)
Lecture: Sensory analysis (Prof. Giampiero Sacchetti)
Sensory analysis is a scientific discipline which is adopted by SENSORY SCIENCE a multidisciplinary science almed to: MEASURE, INTERPRET,UNDERSTAND human responses to product properties as perceived by senses.

20.10.2021 (Wednesday)
Lecture: Selection of yeasts in wine production (Dr. Giorgia Perpetuini)
Wine bacteria were studied in laboratory conditions (in Petri dishes). The quality indicators of wine have been studied.
Lecture: Development of innovative strategies in the livestock sector to improve the quality and sustainability of animal production (Dr. Andrea Ianni)
In animal production systems, sustainable agricultural practices are those that promote systems in which there is efficient use of the natural resources based on an understanding of the interrelationships within prevailing agro-ecosystems. These need to be identified with agricultural and rural development processes that have an integrated approach to natural resource management in which potentially important technologies are technically appropriate, economically viable and socially acceptable to target beneficiaries, the small farmers.
Lecture: Electrochemical and optical sensing for food quality and safety (Prof. Dario Compagnone)
21.10.2021 (Thursday) Visit to factories. Excursion to the factory for the production of lamb meat products.
Visit to factories. Excursion to the farm where the cheese is produced.
Visit to factories. Excursion to the factory for the production of tomato paste and olive oil.

22.10.2021 (Friday) Visit to Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale.